Saturday, August 2, 2008

Stimulating Your Parrot With Toys, Safely

When you decide to take a parrot for a pet you first must get to know your new pet. First of all parrots are not dogs or cats, that means that they are not as sociable as dogs and cats. Also you need to know that they are very stubborn and will always try to dominate you and break the rules. They have a very powerful personality and you must dominate it. Always the parrot remembers who makes the rules and who is in charge.

Parrots are wild animals that need to adapt to a closed environment. They are flock birds and because of that they need to live in a family and to feel safe and protected. Also you must know that your new pet is a very smart one. When they are in wild they have a lot of methods to keep active: they play, forage, preen each other, socialize and fly up to 500 miles each day.

Once in captivity you will have to stimulate his mental capacity with new activities and challenges. In order to do that you will have to buy some toys and put them in his cage. But you must be very careful and choose only safe toys made from natural materials. Such toys you can find in the toy stores. Here are some examples of sources of safe and natural toys: Chirp n Squawk Bird Supplies, Planet Pleasures Bird Toys and Jungle Talk Bird Toys. There are some rules that you must know before you choose the toys for your pet:

- First of all make sure they are safe and made from natural materials

- Also try to match the size of the toy with the size of your bird. If you have a large bird try not to buy her very small toys because it is the risk of choking with them. Also if you have small parrots don’t buy them large toys because they will be useless to your pets.

- Make sure the toys are made from Beads and Acrylics. This components are harmless for parrots as long as the bird don’t ingest broken parts

- The plastic chain you are buying for your birds plastic toys must be short in order not to strangle the bird

- Everybody knows that parrots love bells. If you want to spoil your pet you surly will take him a bell. If so, you must be very careful that the bell is nickel plated so the lair of zinc can be covered. Zinc is very toxic to parrots

- The best material for parrot’s toys is stainless steel but it is very expensive. If you don’t afford to take that kind of toy you

- Always use parrot toys that are made with Quick Links (or ’C’ clamps). Do not use toys made with ’S’ links, bent wires, shower curtain hangers or open link chains because this can suffocate your pet.

- Be sure that the toys you are getting are made with natural leather that is not treated with chemicals.

- Ropes are dangerous for parrots so be very careful when you use them. Use only sisal or cotton rope. Avoid ropes that have frays. If frays exist don’t hesitate to cut them because they represent a very big danger for your bird. Your pet could strangulate with them.

- Don’t use cotton birds toys because they are predisposed to fraying and could accidentally strangle your bird. When the end of a piece oof rope begins to unravel, clip it off.

About the Author

If you want to know more about parrot care and about parrot toys or learn about pet parrots just visit my website.

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